Monday, December 03, 2012

Holiday Luncheon is this Saturday, Dec. 8

Tucson RSD Care & Share welcomes you to attend our HOLIDAY LUNCHEON this Saturday, December 8, 2012, starting at 11:30 am;  it will be at the El Parador Restaurant, 2744 E. Broadway Blvd. (between Tucson Blvd. and Country Club).

Our group has had our holiday gathering there the past several years and it has always been enjoyable, with a Mexican platter for the meal (no cost to RSDers) in a semi-private room with fireplace.  We welcome pain sufferers and their families, caretakers, friends and supporters.  The luncheon is moderately priced (under $10) for non-pain sufferers;  the group will pay for the guest of honor, YOU!  It's a great way to make connections with other chronic pain sufferers in an informal, relaxed environment.

Regular meetings will resume on March 8, 2013, 3 pm, at the Masonic Lodge on Mabel - details will be posted and emails sent prior to that date, and are available in previous posts.  Call Sheila, 744-5930, with questions of any kind, to be placed on our email list, to advise if you have several people coming to the luncheon...  (not required, and don't let failure to RSVP keep you from coming on Dec. 8, but if you know you have several people attending, an RSVP would be helpful).

We hope to see you Saturday!

Don't Bear It Alone!

Sheila Reynolds
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